Latin Storybook Making Project

Why not put your students to work creating a FVR library for you? These links, documents and presentations describe every detail of this process, which could easily take up 1- 2 weeks of class-time . Every step, handouts, rubrics, and samples are all provided via links on this page. and could count as a final summative assessment, including performance via spoken Latin storytelling– and you will have a full library of level-1 readers for next year.In addition, you can do this with every level of your classes (although I do not do this with year 1 students). You can modify your expectations (word or sentence count, complexity, etc) depending on what level of readers you want your students to create.

The goal of my workshop is to show teachers how I take my Latin 2 students through all steps of brainstorming, writing, editing, and presenting storybooks, which the teacher can then easily print out and bind into class readers. In order to have some usable examples at the end of the session, and a starter FVR classroom library, teachers will create and share their own storybook presentation.

All directions, handouts, rubrics, resources, and samples, are included in the following links (copy and paste links into a new tab)

Google slides presentation:

Presentation handout pdf:

Folder containing class handouts and rubrics.

CCA-South participants’ storybook creations

[Presentation and workshop originally titled: “Strategies to Promote Reading and Writing in the Latin Classroom: a Comprehensible Input-Based Approach.” Presented to the CCA-South Fall 2016 meeting, California High School, Whittier, CA]