Simple Latin Online Reading Resources

Here you will find links to simple readings in Latin, mainly for students in years 1-2 of study, but useful to all students of Latin. They are listed more or less in order of difficulty, beginning with the simplest readings.

GILBO, by Anthony Gibbons. Very simple stories with South Park-style characters. Be sure to open each chapter in a separate tab.

Legonium, where Latin meets legos

Keith Toda’s Story Archive. Stories created by Magister Toda and his students.

Mille Noctes Story Archive. A crowd-sourcing project from Magistra Arnold (who wrote Cloelia)

Tres Columnae Project Stories

Operation LAPIS reading list. A collection of simple readings based on Roman history. Includes links to vocabulary and cultural background.

Adulescens teen magazine, in Latin

My own history and myth compilations in Latin (from a variety of sources) Although  these stories come from  “first year” textbooks, most of them  are more appropriate for level 2 or above and may require adapting.

Latin myth comics by Magda Van Tilburg. Readable as slideshows. The Latin is more advanced, but you can see a translation (convert the Dutch to English using your browser)

Cultura Classica resources page. In addition to the many resources related to Hans Oerberg’s Lingua Latina, if you scroll down, you will find a wealth of reading and classroom resources (including comic books). Worth sifting through.

Vivarium Novum libri scholastici. Most of these are not comprehensible for students in year 1-2, but some will work, and many would be helpful for 3rd-4th year curricula. Adapt as needed.