Useful Latin phrases

Locutiones Utiles
Useful Latin phrases for linking and transitioning statements and sentences.

When learning a language, it is absolutely necessary to learn usable phrases in addition to single vocabulary words. The following phrases can provide a structure or framework for most ex tempore spoken or written Latin. These help form the “mortar” which hold together sentences and ideas in your Latin conversations and writings. Phrases with a question mark in parentheses “(?)”, can either be a question, or a linking phrase.


Here is the list below, in Spreadsheet form

Just the Transitional Phrases: Here is a link to an evolving spreadsheet of transition phrases which I print for  my students. They can use this during writing assignments.


mihi placet                    It pleases me / I like (accusative-infinitive construction)

eadem res                      the same thing

quam ob rem (?)           on account of which thing (question or connecting phrase)

quā de causā (?)            by which cause, why?

quā rē (?)                       why? (lit. on account of which thing?)

his de rebus                   concerning these things

operam dare                  to pay attention (optional: add ad + acccusative)

necesse est                    it is necessary (requires infinitive or subjunctive; dative of ref. optional)

oportet                           it is necessary/proper (requires infinitive; accusative of ref. optional)

sententiā meā                in my opinion

ut mihi videtur              as it seems to me

nisi fallor                       unless I am mistaken

versatus/a sum apud      I spent time with/at the home of…

loquor, locutus/a sum  I speak/spoke (not for introducing a quote–dico)

quid aliud?                     what else?

quid censes?                  what do you think?

memoriā tenere            to remember (lit. to hold in memory)

in animo habere            to have in mind

Quid ni?                         Why not?

licetne…?                       Is it permitted (+ infinitive)

sane, naturaliter            naturally

adsentior tibi                 I agree with you

valde, magnopere          very, really

quamquam                     although

libenter                          you’re welcome

quaeso                           please (after an imperative: da, quaeso, salem)

ignosce mihi                 excuse me (or excusatim me habeas)

visne… ?                        would you like…? (+accusative).

dic mihi                         tell me

quidquid id est              whatever (it is)

ut, sicut                          as, just as

iter facere                      to make a trip

etiam                              also, even, certainly, indeed

aliquid                            something (because neuter, can be either subject or direct object)

non solum… sed etiam not only… but also

fortasse                         perhaps

fieri potest                    perhaps, it could be

ut dixi / dixit                 as I/he-she said

Dixit quod           he/she said that… (quod avoids indirect statement, though accusative-infinitive is preferable in classical Latin)


Ways to say yes: Ita, Sic, Plane, Quippe, Certe, Ita vero, Profecto, Sine dubio, Procul dubio, Absque ullo dubio, In re vera, Adsentior, Probe, Omnino, Admodum, Omnimodis, Certissime, Ita est ut dixisti

Ways to say no: Minime, Nullo modo, Haudquaquam, Nullatenus, Nullo parto, Non, Nequaquam