Latin Classroom Vocabulary

Latin Classroom Vocabulary

adversāria, -ōrum n.    notebook, workbook
ambulācrum,- ī n.        hallway
armāriolum, -ī n.          locker
aula, -ae f. scholastica. conclāve, -is n. scholāre classroom
calamus, -ī  m. pen
calendārium, -ī n.        calendar
charta, -ae f.       paper
circinus, ī m.       compass
colorēs aquāticī watercolors
cortīna, -ae f. curtain
crēta, -ae f.          chalk
cuspidiōla graphiāria, -ae f.   thumbtacks
ēchēa, -ōrum n. speakers
ephemeris scholae, -idis f.   assignment notebook
ērāsūra, -ae f. spongia, -ae f. eraser
facultas      department
fenestra, -ae f.    window
fibicula (chartārum), -ae f.  paper clip
folium (chartaceum), -ī n.    sheet of paper
forficēs, forficum f.    scissors
glūten, -inis n.    glue
graphidēs versicolorēs         colored pencils
graphis, -idis m. pencil
graphium coāctile, -ī n.        marker
gummis, -is f.     eraser (on a pencil)
horolōgium, -ī n.         clock
iānua, -ae f.         door
impressōrium, -ī n.      printer
īnstrūmentum cuspidārium, ī n.    pencil sharpener
integūmentum    cover (of a book)
lexicon lexicī n. dictionary
libellus, -ī m.      notebook
liber, librī m.      book
lūmina, _um n. pl.       lights
machinula calculātōria, -ae f.       calculator
magister, -rī m. / magistra    teacher
menda, -ae    error
mēnsa, -āe f.       teacher’s desk
mūrus, -ī    wall
orbis terrae in tabulā depictus      globe
ōrdinātrum, -ī n. computatrum, -ī n. computer
ōrdinātrulum, -ī n. gestābile, laptop
pariēs, -etis m.    wall
pegma, -atis n.    bookshelf
penicillus  paintbrush
penna, -ae f.        fountain pen
perforāculum, -ī n.      hole punch
prōbātiō, -nis f.  test
prōbātiuncula, -ae f.   quiz
prōiectōrium, ī n. diapositīvōrum          slide projector
sciopticon, -ī n.  overhead projector
rēgula, -ae f.       ruler
sarcina, -ae f. sacculus, -ī m.         backpack
scamnum, -ī n.    desk, bench
schedula, -ae f.   index card
scirpiculus, -ī m. corbula, -ae f. receptāculum, -ī   wastepaper basket
stilōrum thēca, -ae f.   pen / pencil case
stilus, -ī m. sphaerātus  ball-point pen
tabella, -ae f. adversāria, -ārum f.          notebook
tabula (litteraria), -ae f.        blackboard
tabula, -ae f.       poster
tabula, -ae f. geōgraphica  map
taenia adhaerēns, -ae f.        tape
televisōrium, -ī n.        television set
transenna, -ae f. blinds, window shade
uncīnātrum, -ī n.          stapler
vexillum, -ī n.     flag

aperio -īre to open (a book)
audiō -īre to listen
capiō, -ere to take, get out
claudō, -ere to close (a book)
consīdō -ere  to sit down
dēleo, -ēre to erase
dēlīneō, -ēre to draw (a picture)
dēmittō, -ere to lower (a hand)
dēpōno, -ere to put away
dīco, -ere to say
lego, -ere to read
monstrō, -āre to point out, demonstrate
recitō, -āre to read aloud
repetō, -ere to repeat
scribo, -ere to write
surgo, -ere to stand up
taceō, -ēre to be silent
tollō, -ere to raise (a hand)

Compiled  by John Piazza from various sources