Planning the year

Planning out a CI Latin program

Step 1: envisioning 3 years. Goals and expectations.
This will be year 4 at my school, a large urban public high school in the SF Bay Area. I am slowly but surely transitioning from what was a traditional grammar-translation  program, to a more inclusive program based on CI principles. While our official textbook is LFA, I rarely use it, except for some adapted stories, and as a choice for FVR.

We still offer a 4th year combined AP and IB class.  My goal for the first three years, is that students achieve a comfort level (fluency?) reading and writing (and to a lesser extent speaking) level-appropriate Latin.  By level-appropriate, I do not mean unadapted classical literature.

That said, by the end of year 3, students will have read poems by Catullus, selections from the following: Cicero’s De Amicitia, Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, Petronius’ Satyricon, Pliny’s letter about the eruption of Vesuvius, and maybe some Vergil. To what extent students read unadapted versions of these largely depends on 1) the readiness of the class as a whole and 2) whether individuals want to tackle a more advanced level of a reading (I generally test on the level just below the unadapted.)

Here is a very broad outline of the three years, sorted into units based on readings and/or content-based activities. In addition, I have the NLE syllabus history/culture topics which will be introduced in the various units when relevant, or as warmups or separate culture activities. Most of the readings mentioned are available in multiple (tiered/embedded) versions. More details and links will be included in the documents which map out each year of study.

Latin 1.
Quarter 1
Unit 1
Student interest and first readings/stories (see Toda’s elephantus)
Unit 2
Roman household readings
“Dies meus” project (typical day)
Unit 3
Landscape, animals of ancient Roman world
Quarter 2
Unit 4
Roman daily life, slavery
Unit 5
Roman myth stories: proserpina
Quarter 3
myth-based novel (Pluto? Rufus?)
Art appreciation/spring show prep
Quarter 4
Rufus novel?
Roman paper doll, character
Roman history/Culture (sync with NLE syllabus, courtesy of Lance P.)
GEOGRAPHY: the Roman world, e.g., Roma, Italia, Gallia, Graecia, Britannia, Hispania, Mare Nostrum, Tiber River
MYTHOLOGY: Olympian deities (Greek and Roman names) and associated attributes; founding of Rome, e.g., Romulus and Remus
ROMAN LIFE: city of Rome, e.g., Forum, Circus Maximus, Colosseum; basic housing, e.g., villa, cubiculum, atrium; clothing, e.g., toga, tunica, stola; Roman household, e.g., pater, mater, servus, filius
Latin 2
Quarter 1
Unit 1
Intro, review through lots of easy reading/reading groups
Unit 2
easy myth reading, focus on virtues
Baucis Philemon
Quarter 2, easy myth continued
Unit 4
Novel: Iter Mirabile
Quarter 3.
Unit 5
Novel: Piso
Unit 6
Trojan war, origins
Art appreciation/spring show prep
Quarter 4
Unit 7
Aeneas stories
Unit 8 storybook, final
Roman history-culture (NLE Sync)
GEOGRAPHY: important Italian locations, e.g., Ostia, Pompeii, Mt. Vesuvius, Brundisium, Apennine Mts.; provinces and major cities, e.g., Africa, Athens, Gaul, Carthage, Asia Minor, Troy
HISTORY: basic historical divisions (Monarchy, Republic, Empire) and associated terms (king, consul, emperor); kings of Rome and early Roman heroes, e.g., Romulus, Tarquinius Superbus, Horatius, Cincinnatus
MYTHOLOGY: Olympian deities and associated myths, e.g., Daphne and Apollo, Arachne and Minerva, Midas
ROMAN LIFE: city of Rome, e.g., Forum, Palatine Hill, Via Appia, Pantheon, Campus Martius; architectural structures and their functions, e.g., aquaeductus, thermae, circus, amphitheatrum, curia, basilica; housing, e.g., triclinium, insulae; meals, e.g., cena, culina; clothing, e.g., toga, tunica, stola
Latin 3
Quarter 1
Unit 1 (2-3 weeks)
review of Latin through easy self-selected reading (FVR, reading groups?). Students speak and write in Latin about their selections.
Motto T-shirt project, with “volumus scire” approach to motto in Latin.
Unit 2 (4 weeks)
Unit 3 (4 weeks)
Quarter 2
finish Cloelia
Unit 4 Vesuvius unit (2 weeks)
Unit 5 Petronius (4 weeks max)
Unit 6 Catullus (begin, and into Q3)
Quarter 3
Unit 6 Catullus continued (3 weeks?)
Art appreciation/spring show prep
Unit 7  Cicero-Friendship
Quarter 4
Unit 8 Caesar
Unit 9 (if time) Vergil
Final project:  author study and presentations
Roman history/culture (NLE sync)
GEOGRAPHY: the Roman world; important bodies of water, e.g., Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Black Sea; rivers, e.g., Rhine, Po, Nile, Rubicon; important islands and provinces, e.g., Germania, Aegyptus, Sicilia, Creta
HISTORY: prominent historical characters from Roman history, e.g., Augustus, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Marc Antony, Spartacus; major events of Roman history, e.g., Punic Wars, Caesar’s conquest of Gaul
MYTHOLOGY: heroes and monsters, e.g., Jason and Medea, Odysseus, Perseus, Theseus, Daedalus, Minotaur, Chimera; Underworld, e.g., Cerberus, Charon, Proserpina, Styx, Pluto
ROMAN LIFE: education; recreation and entertainment, e.g., baths, chariot racing, gladiatorial combat
GEOGRAPHY: notable cities, regions, mountains, rivers, and bodies of water of Italy and the ancient world, e.g., Naples, Alexandria, Gaul, Pyrenees, Mt. Etna, Nile, Aegean Sea, Black Sea
HISTORY: prominent persons and events from the Roman Republic and early Empire (through the JulioClaudian emperors), e.g., Pyrrhus, Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Livia, Augustus, Tiberius, Nero, Battle of Cannae, Battle of Actium
MYTHOLOGY: typical Roman and Italian deities, e.g., Janus, Vesta; origins and transformations, e.g., Daphne, Pygmalion, Baucis and Philemon, Niobe
ROMAN LIFE: calendar terms, Kalends, Nones, Ides, pr. (pridie), a.d. (ante diem); religion, e.g., pontifex maximus, augures; ceremonies, e.g., weddings, funerals, triumph
Links to more detailed yearly plans and resources…